On Friday 22 April, an online conference was held to launch the project “Improving Energy Efficiency in School Buildings in Policki County. ”
The conference was attended by Beata Chmielewska and Dr. Ing. Karolina Kurtz-Orecka, member of the Association of Energy Auditors.
The conference presented the main objectives of the project and presented plans to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. The project is carried out in the I. Lukasiewicz School Complex in Police, the Special School and Education Centre No. 1 in Police and the Youth Centre in Trzebież.
Planned thermo-modernization measures in the project include:
- Modernisation of central heating-installation, including replacement of radiators,
- Thermal insulation of the outer walls with a layer of styrofoam,
- replacement of exterior doors,
- thermal insulation of the roof,
- Exchange of windows,
- Modernization of hot water system with the necessary equipment and equipment,
- Installation of mechanical air and exhaust ventilation,
- Replacement of lighting to energy-efficient lighting with motion detectors,
- Assembly of photovoltaic modules.
In addition, a photo competition and environmental workshops will be held.
The project “Improving Energy Efficiency in School Buildings in Powiat Policki” is funded by the ERA Financing Mechanism under the Programme Environment, Energy and Climate Change Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security and the State Fund for Local Investment.
The amount of the grant is PLN 7,413,157,99. The total value of the investment is PLN 9,278,996,95