On Monday, June 20, during the signing of the contract with the contractor for the reconstruction and thermal modernization of the school building in the Ignacy Łukasiewicz School Complex in Police, the Police District Board presented projects concerning the development of education in the Police District.
Projects implemented by Powiat Policki:
• Improving energy efficiency in school buildings in the Policki District,
• Thermomodernization of the sports hall building of the Youth Educational Centre in Trzebieży,
• Concept of rational use of facilities of educational institutions for which the leading authority is the Powiat Policki
The total value of all projects is PLN 32 754 103 including funds from the budget of the Policki District - PLN 13 490 703 and external funding - PLN 19 263 400.
The project under the name "Improvement of energy efficiency in school buildings in Police County" includes the school building of the I. Łukasiewicz School Complex in Police, four buildings in the Special School and Education Centre No. 1 in Police and the sports hall building in the Youth Educational Centre in Trzebieży. The amount of co-financing from the "Environment, Energy and Climate Change" programme amounts to PLN 5,189,210. 56 and from the Government Fund for Local Investments PLN 2,223,947. 43. PLN 6 000 000 comes from the budget of the Policki District. The total amount is PLN 13,413,158.
The main objective of the project is to improve the energy efficiency of school buildings by supporting comprehensive investment activities consisting of deep thermomodernization and undertaken to bring school buildings to the energy standard “passive” or “nearly zero emission”.
The expected effects of the project are:
- reduction of CO2 emissions,
- reduction of EP consumption (primary energy of the building - non-renewable),
- increasing the share of RES (renewable energy sources),
- increasing public awareness of energy efficiency, while maintaining the highest energy and cost efficiency.
The second project is "Thermomodernization of the sports hall building of the Youth Educational Centre in Trzebieży". The amount of co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship 2014 – 2020 amounts to PLN 2 764 991. 80. The own contribution of the Policki District is PLN 414,749. The total amount is 3 179 740, 80 zlotys.
The third project implemented by the Policki District is "Concept of rational use of educational facilities for which the Policki District is the leading authority". The amount of co-financing from the Polish Governance Strategic Investment Programme is PLN 9 500 000. The own contribution of the Policki District is PLN 7 075 954. In addition, the possible sale of the property is an additional PLN 6 500 000.
This project concerns, among others, the reconstruction of buildings at ul. Korczaka 47 and 49 in Police with their combination and the renovation, reconstruction, extension and adaptation of the existing building for the needs of Psychological and Pedagogical Counselling Centre, adaptation of the building at ul. Kresowa 32-34 in Police for the needs of educational groups SOSW No. 1 in Police and the transfer of tenants-teachers from the premises of the School Complex in Police and SOSW No. 1 in Police to the buildings at ul. Kresowa 5 and 7 in Police.
The press briefing was attended by the Polish Mayor Andrzej Bednarek, the Chairman of the District Council in Police Cezary Arciszewski, the Member of the District Management Board Beata Chmielewska, the Head of the Department of Education and Culture of the District Administration in Police Agnieszka Bąk and the Director of the I. Łukasiewicz School Complex in Police Agata Jarymowicz and the Director of the Special Centre School and Educational No. 1 in Police Ryszard Budzisz.