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„Strona jest realizowana w związku z realizacją przez Powiat Policki projektu pod nazwą „Poprawa efektywności energetycznej w budynkach szkolnych w Powiecie Polickim” ze środków Mechanizmu Finansowego Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego 2014-2021 w ramach Programu „Środowisko, Energia i Zmiana Klimatu”.
Improving energy efficiency in school buildings in the district Powiat Policki
What is the project?
The main objective of the project is to improve the energy efficiency of school buildings by supporting large-scale investment activities in the form of in-depth thermo-modernisation to bring school buildings up to a “passive” or “almost carbon-free” energy standard.
The project is carried out in the I. Lukasiewicz School Complex in Police, the Special School and Education Centre No. 1 in Police and the Youth Centre in Trzebież.
Planned thermo-modernization measures in the project include:
- modernisation of the central heating, including replacement of radiators,
- Insulation of the outer walls with a layer of styrofoam,
- replacement doors
- insulation of the ceiling
- replacement of windows,
- modernisation of hot water system with the necessary equipment and equipment,
- Installation of mechanical air and exhaust ventilation,
- replacement of lighting by energy-efficient lighting with motion detectors,
- installation of photovoltaic modules.
In addition, a photo competition and environmental workshops will be held.
What is the main objectives of the project?
European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism
The main objective of the Norwegian and EEA Funds is to contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities within the EEA and to strengthen bilateral relations between donor and recipient countries.
This is a form of non-repayable foreign aid granted by Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein to the new EU Member States – more than a dozen Central and Southern European countries and the Baltic States.
These funds are linked to Poland’s accession to the European Union and the simultaneous accession of our country to the European Economic Area (which consists of the EU countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). In return for their financial support, donor countries gain access to the EU internal market, even if they are not members of the EU.